Version |
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v1.1 |
06/29/2023 |
📢 Release Notes: Version 1.1 🚀
Exciting updates are here! Introducing version 1.1.0, packed with powerful features to enhance your workflow:
1. DICOMweb WADO-RS: Load images by frames for precise analysis.
2. Media Export: Effortlessly export images and videos to a PowerPoint presentation.
3. Multiple PACS Systems: Access data from both main and archive PACS systems seamlessly.
4. Multiframe Image Loading and Annotating: Efficiently work with complex imaging data and annotate using various geometric annotation tools.
5. Improved Search: Perform advanced searches using phrases, AND/OR statements, and more.
6. Display View Enhancements: Access other study annotations directly for convenient review.
Upgrade now to unlock these features and more!
You can access a comprehensive list of release notes here.
v1.0 |
02/08/2023 |
We are happy to announce 1.0 version of ePADLite. This includes all the important functionalities of the old ePAD and has a lot of new functionalities and improvements such as
- a DICOMweb Server,Â
- ability to connect to an external DICOMweb server
- a strong CouchDB server to facilitate search and indexing of AIM files
- state of the art React frontend and fastify Nodejs backend
You can access a working document of release notes here. Note that these are listed in relation to the 0.9 release notes below, not a comprehensive list of all the capabilities of ePAD
v0.9 |
New functionalities:
- Support for API_KEYs to access ePAD API
- Support for App registration with shared secret and assigning it a API_KEY. This enables applications launch to ePAD via encrypted url using a shared secret. The frontend then uses the assigned API_KEY to talk to the backend
- DIMSE query supportÂ
- Support for API_KEY store that only returns API_KEYs to specified IP addresses
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Fixed aim download
- Folder rights for aim search
- Plugin extensions:
- contourtodso and pyradiomics plugins added
- Support for running plugins sequentially
- Support for subqueues
- Fixed worklist creation with same id bug
- Query series metadata if DICOMweb doesn't return series descriptions with study' series call
- Fixed collaborator filter
- Fixed series counts bug
v0.8 |
10/20/2021 |
New functionalities:
- Login via encrypted url added.
- Significant series (encrypted url only) added.
- Question type support added for the aim editor.
- Searching annotation by user, name, patient name, template, modality, imaging observation or anatomic entity implemented.
- api key authentication support for application integration added.
- aim change audit log (backend only for now) added.
- segmentation saving support for plugins added.
- api endpoint to return RECIST/Longitudinal HTML code added.
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Improvements:
- Backend request/path filtering implemented to improve security.
- Gear menu, annotation option removed and a search tab added to provide annotation related operations such as; Listing, searching, deleting, downloading and uploading annotations.
- Calculations added for the annotations which are created by using a line shape.
- Plugin error handling improved to show to the user the state of the plugin instance.
- Given the right of adding a plugin to a project for non-admin users.
- Data refresh option added for plugins.
- Popup, modal windows draggability switched from the whole window area to the window handle bar.
- Max viewport number made configurable.
- Waterfall from worklist view.
- Handle dicoms with no modality.
- Add annotation statements for calculations generated by plugins.
- Color waterfall bars according to the response category of the patient.
- Bug Fixes:
- Longitudinal report refresh on user switch from the user dropdown list.
- Viewport maximize/minimize bug fixed.
- Adding the same patient to a different worklist by another user.
- Waterfall report export fixed.
- Saving segmentation fixed.
- Involuntary popup repositioning related to click events fixed.
- Patient list close all and expand all fixed for irregularly expanded patient,study,series lists .
- Total patient number next to the project name in the left pane is fixed to show the correct amount.
- Worklist percentage miscalculation on progress fixed.
- Stacking viewports vertically in one column fixed.
- Scrolling from the scrollbar drags the entire window fixed.
v0.7 |
05/27/2021 |
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Bug Fixes:
- Several bug fixed
v0.6 |
04/16/2020 |
New functionalities:
- Creating segmentation aims for DICOM SEGs when moved from unassigned to projects
- Image fuion added for pet and ct images.
- Showing metadata added.
- Edit mode added to inform user about its interaction state with drawings and the questions in the right pane under display tab.
- Color map added.
- Windows installation guide added.
- Htttps installation guide added.
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Improvements:
- Segmentation label support added. Using the annotation name as segmentation label for now and visa versa for uploaded segmentations with missing series description. Also keeps the original segment sequence in the DICOM SEGs when editing.
- Modified assign subject/study to worklist behavior. Assigning a subject/study from a project to an annotator's worklist automatically gives that user collaborator access to the project so that (s)he can access the case.
- Removed unused template deletion from system. Templates stay in the system but can only be used if they are added to a project.
- Search tab’s patient listing table improved.
- Moving patient data to the plugin container improved.
- Downloading non dicom files added if it is uploaded to a patient data.
- Frequency of polling dicoms madde settable for the user.
- nstallation script improved for better guiding.
- Edit icon (button) functionnallity improved to folow the related drawing and questions for each annotaton in the right pane under display tab.
- Bug Fixes:
- Patient level progress fixed. It calculates the progress using all annotations of the patient and shows the same progress on each study.
- Display tab’s tool bar icons selected state refresh fixed .
- Searchview tab refresh problems fixed for several operations.
v0.5 |
2/12/2021 |
New functionalities:
- Implemented multi reader Recist report.
- Worklist auto progress, manual progress switch added
- Deleting aim from the right side aim window added
- Audit logs added
- Recist reports tracking identifiers added
- Epad ontology and codevalue verification for the terms added
- Implemented writing plugin calculations into aim
- Template builder implemented
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Information popup added for worklists data adding in case that the assigned user has no right for the patient's data
v0.4.2 |
1/18/2021 |
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Cumulative aim issue fixed
v0.4 |
10/29/2020 |
New functionalities:
- Implemented series and study level annotation saving and showing.
- Auto-complete functionality added for the template form (Aim editor) to be filled based on the previous annotation.
- Search functionality added for the template answers.
- Recist baseline lookup added to find the base line annotation for a recist annotation to fill the template form with the baseline data.
- Recist, adla, longitudinal, waterfall reports added.
- Installation script implemented to provide easier installation (experimental).
- Nginx cashing mechanism and purging added.
- Nginx compression mechanism added.
- Tracking unique identifier is added to all aims
- Switched to couchdb 3 ibm image to leverage Lucene search support
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Switched to interchange larger aims as an attachment to improve performance.
- Plugin process improved to show the plugin log to the user.
- Backend performance improved.
- Made easier to draw multiple shapes on the top of each other.
- Loading images improved to avoid to user to wait for the next chunk of images on opening aims.
- Fixed dicoms files to be uploaded without having a file extension.
- Interpolation improved.
- Added filtering support to the dropdown boxes in aim editor
- Fixed series downloading bug
- Fixed worklist assigning to invited user bug
- Fixed annotation saving unsuccessful notification bug
- Modified the search view study list to order by study date by default instead of study description
v0.2 |
5/12/2020 |
New functionalities:
- Manage Users Section added. Worklists and progress view added. Scan Folder added. This provides importing patients by scanning the data folder instead of uploading. Interpolation 2D , 3D tools added. Multiframe image support. Flex View added.
Improvements and bug fixes:
- Improvement : upload patient memory consumption reduced. fixed : refresh search view window after uploading a patient. fixed : Upload and delete patients issues. fixed : line calculations. fixed : closing / opening patients. fixed : opening aim from the search view. fixed : each series number count. fixed : expanding, closing patients. fixed : multi series operations. fixed : drawing tools. fixed : multiple segmentation saving. fixed : notifications.
v0.1 |
2/4/2020 |
First Release |
vBeta |
7/27/2019 |
Test Release for ePad written in JavaScript |